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Brain Stimulation

Other Posted on Dec 20, 2023 14:34:57

Peter Löwendahl was elected to become a board member of Brain Stimulation AB. The company works with diagnostic tests and rehabilitation devices for e.g. patients that have had stroke. Read more abouit them here.

Hoff &Lowendahl signs agreement with Sensely

Other, Uncategorised Posted on Jan 16, 2020 20:21:29

Hoff & Lowendahl have Signed an agreement with Sensely to be authorised representative in EU. Sensely are a manufacturer of AI based software for guiding patients In helathcare settings based on symptoms.

Electronical invoices

Other Posted on Apr 03, 2019 14:51:34

Did you know that from April 1st you must provide your invoices to public hospitals, communities and states electronically! This is an European requirement.
what is an E-invoice then? It is not a pdf copy of your normal paper invoice! It must meet the requirements in PEPPOL BIS Billing 3. Read more about the standard here

If you do public business better ask your system provider if they meet the requirements, if not you must act now!

The new requirements are valid for new tenders or direct buy and hence not valid for tender that was won before the date.

You can read more about the new law here. This link is in Swedish.

Long life vs how much we spend

Other Posted on Mar 03, 2019 12:44:51

Interesting to read statistics sometimes. According to the statistics it is not always better to spend most money. US clearly sticks out. Would be interesting to know factors behind this, both for ”how to avoid” but also things we work with, approval process, reimbursment systems and private vs public systems. This specific data is from ourworldindata that are several universities in the world working togheter.