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Focus hjälpmedel

Uncategorised Posted on Oct 11, 2024 09:27:43

16 och 17 oktober pratar vi på focus hjälmedel om MDR och hur det påverkar specialanpassade produkter och förstås CE märkning av hjälpmedel. Programmet hittar du här

Ask the experts

Uncategorised Posted on Aug 27, 2024 22:34:14

Friday 13th September we will sit in the online expert panel. Follow this link to register

Release of new handbook for medtech companies

Uncategorised Posted on Aug 27, 2024 22:26:08

This afternoon a event to release a Regulatory and quality book for medtech companies was held. We participated in the creation of the book and was also in the panel at the release event! Follow this link to download your copy (in swedish)

Speaking at vitalis 2024

Uncategorised Posted on May 14, 2024 22:13:41

Today Peter Löwendahl talked about MDR and experiences regarding CE marking of apps at the biggest Health IT conference in northern Europe.

The conference is an annual conference held in Gothenburg, Sweden

In the press

Uncategorised Posted on May 14, 2024 22:03:55

Peter Lowendahl featured in the Medtech Magasin. Read the article here.

Brain Stimulation

Other Posted on Dec 20, 2023 14:34:57

Peter Löwendahl was elected to become a board member of Brain Stimulation AB. The company works with diagnostic tests and rehabilitation devices for e.g. patients that have had stroke. Read more abouit them here.

Regulatory summit

Events we speak at Posted on Dec 20, 2023 14:29:39

Now the enriollment for Regulatory Summit 2024 has opened! Join to hear Peter Löwendahl speak regarding several different topic. Read more here (note link in Swedish)

PRRC utbildning

Uncategorised Posted on Sep 26, 2023 08:25:10

Den 18 oktober håller vi årets sista PRRC utbildning som är riktade till alla som är eller planerar att bli PRRC. Utbildningen hålls tillsammans med Swedish Medtech. Läs mer och anmäl er här.

PRRC utbildning specialanpassade produkter

Uncategorised Posted on Sep 26, 2023 08:21:11

I en serie av två utbildningar i samarbete med MTF får ni en genomgång av PRRCs ansvar i samband med specialanpassade produkter. På plats i Gävle 2-3 oktober samt en online 25-26 oktober. Läs mer och gör din anmälan här.

Utbildningarna vänder sig till alla organisationer som gör specialanpassningar tex hjälpmedel, tandläkare, sjukhus och regioner och kommuner.

We speak at Swecare annual meeting

Uncategorised Posted on Mar 15, 2023 18:51:15

We will participate and speak at Swecares annual meeting April 27, 2023. Read more avbout it on this link.

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